The word κεχαριτωμένη ( kecharitōménē), here translated as "full of grace", admits of various translations. Accordingly, both "hail" and "rejoice" are valid English translations of the word ("hail" reflecting the Latin translation, and "rejoice" reflecting the original Greek). This was the normal greeting in the language in which Saint Luke's Gospel is written and continues to be used in the same sense in Modern Greek. The opening word of greeting, χαῖρε ( chaíre), here translated "hail", literally has the meaning "rejoice" or "be glad".

The first of the two passages from the Gospel of Luke is the greeting of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, originally written in Koine Greek. In mid-13th-century Western Europe, the prayer consisted only of these words with the single addition of the name "Mary" after the word "Hail", as is evident from Thomas Aquinas's commentary on the prayer.
The prayer incorporates two greetings to Mary recorded in the Gospel of Luke: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee", and "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb". The Eastern Catholic Churches follow their respective traditions or adopt the Latin Church version, which is also used by many other Western groups historically associated with the Catholic Church, such as Lutherans, Anglicans, Independent Catholics, and Old Catholics. The Eastern Orthodox Churches have apart from the Theotokion a quite similar prayer to the Hail Mary (without explicit request for the intercession of Mary), both in Greek and in translations, for frequent private prayer. In the psalmody of the Oriental Orthodox Churches a daily Theotokion is devoted to ascribing praise to the Mother of God. In the Latin Church, the Hail Mary forms the basis of other prayers such as the Angelus and the Rosary. The prayer takes different forms in various traditions, and has often been set to music. Since the 16th century, the version of the prayer used in the Catholic Church closes with an appeal for her intercession. The Hail Mary is a prayer of praise for and of petition to Mary, regarded as the Theotokos (Mother of God). The prayer is based on two biblical episodes featured in the Gospel of Luke: the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary (the Annunciation), and Mary's subsequent visit to Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist (the Visitation). The Hail Mary ( Latin: Ave Maria) is a traditional Christian prayer addressing Mary, the mother of Jesus.

G c G cBA G_.The Annunciation by Fra Angelico, 1433–34 In the key of C, the first few notes are. This has a 3/4 time signature (becoming 2/4 for a few measures in the verse). It is set to an unnamed tune, also by McCann. The hymn is written for processional use, with a cantor or choir singing the verses and the congregation responding with the chorus. The first one is still in print, and is likely the best source of sheet music for this hymn. Liturgical music for parish choirs, congregations and cantors / Liturgical music from Maynooth.In Caelo - Songs for a Pilgrim People, published 1999.This Marian hymn, which is particularly suitable for the feast of the Annunciation, was written by Roman Catholic priest (or perhaps at that time seminarian) John McCann (b 1961) in 1999 for the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes.Īlthough it has the same title as the well-known prayer, the words of the hymn bring together a range of traditional titles for and images about Mary: it is not a setting of the prayer.